Ard Poncin

    Sebastiaan always wears a Hessje. Bald will hold… Come to him for neotraditional tattooing. He’s married with Bobeus and as married couples do they; hugh, fight, pukeon each other and dance. Another thing to mention is his extrema winners mentality. From FIFA to the basketball field. He is a true three pointer.

    Stop smoking

    Sebastiaan about Bunker

    Roger is the kind of person that takes you under his guard. He shares his knowledge and experience to take away your insecurities. A good leader and yet a better coxswain. You just know he’s there for you. In the years that we’ve been working toghether I’ve seriously learned so much. Tattooing and drawing is just one of these. He knows to spot talent amd won’t give up on that.

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